Site Statistics

Explore how Radio Jannah connects with listeners from around the world through our detailed visit statistics. On this page, you will find a comprehensive overview of user activity, allowing you to better understand our global audience. Our site tracks visits from various countries, displaying a visual representation with flags and country names. You can also monitor the number of users currently online, along with their country codes and corresponding flags, providing insights into the active audience at any given moment. View the total visits to our site and analyze daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly visits to track growth and engagement over time. Our tracking system uses sophisticated algorithms to accurately record visits from around the world, filtering out non-human traffic and known spam sources to ensure our statistics reflect genuine user engagement. Stay informed about our global impact and see how Radio Jannah resonates with audiences worldwide.

Total Visits


USUnited States: 2676 visits
  • Today: 41
  • Yesterday: 82
  • Week: 234
  • Month: 1458
  • Year: 2676
DEGermany: 1527 visits
  • Today: 35
  • Yesterday: 71
  • Week: 209
  • Month: 1078
  • Year: 1527
RURussia: 1178 visits
  • Today: 25
  • Yesterday: 42
  • Week: 155
  • Month: 828
  • Year: 1178
GBUnited Kingdom: 328 visits
  • Today: 10
  • Yesterday: 13
  • Week: 55
  • Month: 239
  • Year: 328
CACanada: 186 visits
  • Today: 5
  • Yesterday: 9
  • Week: 30
  • Month: 138
  • Year: 186
NLNetherlands: 498 visits
  • Today: 4
  • Yesterday: 26
  • Week: 59
  • Month: 331
  • Year: 498
FIFinland: 167 visits
  • Today: 4
  • Yesterday: 7
  • Week: 23
  • Month: 110
  • Year: 167
LULuxembourg: 96 visits
  • Today: 2
  • Yesterday: 3
  • Week: 13
  • Month: 76
  • Year: 96
SGSingapore: 341 visits
  • Today: 1
  • Yesterday: 11
  • Week: 30
  • Month: 155
  • Year: 341
CNChina: 71 visits
  • Today: 1
  • Yesterday: 1
  • Week: 4
  • Month: 34
  • Year: 71
AUAustralia: 35 visits
  • Today: 1
  • Yesterday: 3
  • Week: 6
  • Month: 25
  • Year: 35
FRFrance: 151 visits
  • Today: 1
  • Yesterday: 2
  • Week: 11
  • Month: 82
  • Year: 151

Top Countries (Daily)

  • US1.US41 visits
  • DE2.DE35 visits
  • RU3.RU25 visits
  • GB4.GB10 visits
  • CA5.CA5 visits
  • NL6.NL4 visits
  • FI7.FI4 visits
  • LU8.LU2 visits
  • SG9.SG1 visits
  • CN10.CN1 visits

Top Countries (Yesterday)

  • US1.US82 visits
  • DE2.DE71 visits
  • RU3.RU42 visits
  • NL4.NL26 visits
  • GB5.GB13 visits
  • SG6.SG11 visits
  • CA7.CA9 visits
  • FI8.FI7 visits
  • SE9.SE4 visits
  • AT10.AT4 visits

Top Countries (Weekly)

  • US1.US234 visits
  • DE2.DE209 visits
  • RU3.RU155 visits
  • NL4.NL59 visits
  • GB5.GB55 visits
  • SG6.SG30 visits
  • CA7.CA30 visits
  • FI8.FI23 visits
  • LU9.LU13 visits
  • FR10.FR11 visits

Top Countries (Monthly)

  • US1.US1458 visits
  • DE2.DE1078 visits
  • RU3.RU828 visits
  • NL4.NL331 visits
  • GB5.GB239 visits
  • SG6.SG155 visits
  • CA7.CA138 visits
  • FI8.FI110 visits
  • FR9.FR82 visits
  • LU10.LU76 visits

Top Countries (Yearly)

  • US1.US2676 visits
  • DE2.DE1527 visits
  • RU3.RU1178 visits
  • NL4.NL498 visits
  • SG5.SG341 visits
  • GB6.GB328 visits
  • CA7.CA186 visits
  • FI8.FI167 visits
  • FR9.FR151 visits
  • KR10.KR113 visits